Oak Island Lighthouse Virtual Tour – Climb Down
After several more trips around the top on the balcony, you decide you have enough pictures to last until your next climb and are ready to head back down. The guide inside stops you and says you have one more experience before you can start down. You are pointed to the west side in the lighthouse where you can look up into the light housing to see the actual lights turning. You get a great view of how the 24″ reflector is stacked on top of the 36″ reflector. We only use the top lights now, the bottom larger ones were used in the past during bad weather to generate more candle power.
You have finally stopped shaking and had a chance to thoroughly enjoy the view and are now instructed to face the stairs and begin your climb down. The guide notes that the first and last steps are painted yellow so no need to look left or right over the railings – just face down and wait for the yellow step to indicate you have one more until you are on the landing. Or as some of our climbers do, they count the 17 steps in each set to take your mind off of the climb. You again start to shake.

Finally after what seem like an hour (but in fact is only about 5 minutes) you reach the last landing and peer through the hatchway to the ground floor.
Once at the bottom, more than one climber has been known to kiss the ground before exclaiming “I MUST have a T-Shirt” to commemorate this great experience. Special “I Climbed” shirts are ONLY available for purchase to those that have actually attempted a climb (Virtual climbers are not eligible – sorry). Additional lighthouse related merchandise (such as pins, magnets, book marks, etc.) are available for sale.
Even after only taking the virtual tour, you are welcome to purchase merchandise at our online store HERE. After signing our guest book and placing a donation in the box on the door, the tour is now complete. With a $5 (or more) donation, you are welcome to our limited edition Oak Island Lighthouse button as a “thank you”. All donations and merchandise proceeds are used for the preservation of the lighthouse and maintenance of the grounds – we have NO paid staff.
Look forward to seeing you “At the Top”!